The Teachers’ Social Expectations of Educational Institution


  • Alla Anatolievna Gudzovskaia Institute for Research on Social Phenomena
  • Olga Kuzminichna Samartseva
  • Elena Yurievna Romanova Samara State Regional Academy

Ключевые слова:

social expectations, modern teacher, the results of educational process, life strategies


The study is the continuation of the practical and research interest of the authors in the expectations of the modern school as an institution of socialization. No matter what pedagogical approach, the main thing the teacher can share is the vision of life, the expectations of it, and of the results of the child’s schooling. The teacher’s expectations are eventually reflected in the pupils, as well as in the satisfaction with the teaching profession and with life in general. The paper contains the results of interviewing teachers about their vision and their expectation of what modern school should prepare the students for. The research investigated teachers’ expectations of life strategies, of the main life rules (mottos) and of goal achievement instruments that the students are to master. The transition stage from knowledge translation to culture introduction as the teacher’s function is emphasized.

Библиографические ссылки

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Как цитировать

Gudzovskaia, A. A., Samartseva, O. K., & Romanova, E. Y. (2017). The Teachers’ Social Expectations of Educational Institution. Социальные явления, (1(4), 23–32. извлечено от



Expectations of the Individual as a Part of Pedagogical Process

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