On the Issue of Social Expectations of Educational Process Participants for Giftedness in Children
Ключевые слова:
social expectations, giftedness, social factors of giftedness development, educational process participantsАннотация
The paper contains a review of theoretical and empirical research of giftedness in children and of social expectations. Giftedness is considered to be a quality possessed by every child. The issue of determining the conditions for the development of actual and potential giftedness in educational environment is discussed. Expectations are present in any communicative situation, they determine the behaviour of the person holding the expectation and of the one for whom the expectations held. Social expectations of educational process participants are seen as one of the social factors of giftedness actualization in school age children. Depending on their content social expectations may either facilitate the potential abilities of the child, or work as negative self-fulfilling prophecies. Especially in teacher education it is important to pay attention to the conscience of the social expectations of teachers for giftedness in children.
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