Theoretical and Methodological Analysis of the Social Expectations of the Personality as a Component of Role Communicative Interaction


  • Igor Stepanovich Popovich Kherson State University

Ключевые слова:

the social expectations of the personality, expectation, hope, social role, role communicative interaction, social norms, social pressure


The paper contains the results of a theoretical and methodological analysis of social expectations of the person as a component of role communicative interaction. The study covers one of the aspects of theoretical and methodological research of social expectations of personality along with scientific-categorical, semantic and retrospective analysis of the concept of “social expectations”. The focus is on the fact that though the social expectations that emerged as a result of role communicative interaction are subjective individual and a personal or group entity, still they are also the product of a whole social system, and therefore they are called “the social expectations of the individual”. Evidence is provided that subjects create a kind of system of expectations, forecast and project a certain course of events, nurture an ideal variant of the development of events and are able to construct their own future. The conclusion is made that social expectations of the person are a necessary component of communicative role interaction that has a decisive influence on the effectiveness of interpersonal interaction, on the strategy of the person’s behavior.




Как цитировать

Popovich, I. S. (2017). Theoretical and Methodological Analysis of the Social Expectations of the Personality as a Component of Role Communicative Interaction. Социальные явления, (1(4), 47–54. извлечено от