Reader Expectation As Educational And Creative Practice


  • Olga Vladimirovna Borodina Samara State Regional Academy
  • Svetlana Alekseevna Shvalova Samara State Regional Academy

Ключевые слова:

reader’s forecast, deceived anticipation effect, reader’s reflection, reader’s expectation


The paper provides evidence that the student’s expectation of a book can be effectively used in literature lessons. This is possible when students read an unfamiliar literary text, and when they learn new literary categories, especially the category of genre. The activation of attention to their own readers’ expectation leads to deeper understanding of the text, awakens the reader’s interest, makes it possible to model a creative situation. The paper deals not only with the expectation of young readers, but also with the teacher’s expectations. The conclusions presented in the paper were drawn from the practice of using the effect of readers’ expectations in literature lessons with secondary and high school students of Nayanova University.




Как цитировать

Borodina, O. V., & Shvalova, S. A. (2017). Reader Expectation As Educational And Creative Practice. Социальные явления, (1(4), 16–22. извлечено от



Expectations of the Individual as a Part of Pedagogical Process